from Privia – made in Korea

Harga : Rp 125.000
Harga dijual di Mall Jepang : 2000 Yen = +/- 260.000
Untuk jenis kulit : All skin Types
Keunggulan :
* Whitening * UV Interception SPF 45/PA++ * Wrinkle Inprovement*
Natural ingredients / kandungan alami dari tumbuhan
Cara Pakai :
Pagi / siang hari Setelah mencuci muka + Toner + Miracle (jika perlu ) + BB cream + bedak
Penjelasan produk :
*Whitening & Anti Aging
Dengan fungsi pencerah wajah dan menangkal radikal bebas.
*Nano Technology
Teknologi Nano Menciptakan makeup yang begitu halus dan menempel
di kulit secara alami dan merata.
*Perfectly Cover Blemish
Dengan sempurna menutupi kekurangan wajah sambil merawatnya
dengan bahan alami berkualitas.
*Block UV Rays SPF 28/PA ++
melindungi kulit dari bahaya sinar matahari dan Flek
*MicroFine Powder
Makeup dan perawatan yang sempurna adalah dapat memantulkan
sinar matahari menjadi kilau pada kulit bercahaya.
* Kandungan bahan alami :
- jojoba oil :Menutrisi ,Mengontrol Sebum
- Macadamia Seed Oil Menguatkan sel kulit
-Allantoin :Formula Anti bakteri
- Aloe Vera :Membuat kulit elastis
Cocok untuk semua jenis kulit sensitive , bermasalah
Anti-Aging BB Cream
Smoothing skin and preventing wrinkles
Suncreen:SPF28 PA++
has multi-function to cover the flaw of skin effectively with keeping healthy and vital skin through combination of nutrition components abstracted from caviar, collagen and aloe. In addition, beauty component such as [Hyaluronate disodium] would make skin firming.
Protection of Skin
It would keep healthy skin effectively and firming feelings vitally through combination abstracted from caviar, collagen and aloe with a plenty of amino acid, various minerals and vitamin.
Nutrition Supply
It would keep healthy and wet skin owing to hyaluronate disodium with sustainable moisture and anti-aging effect.
The Revision of Skin Tone
Increasing components related to coverage would make freckle, fine wrinkles, pores, and scar on skin clean, revise skin tone naturally, and express clear transparent skin.
Critical Coverage
Moisture and nutrition components would absorb in skin as well as oil components protect loss of moisture while making oil layer on skin, which would keep wet skin. It will be sustainable for long term owing to not removing coverage from sweat.
Daily Defense Ultimate Preventive Moisturizer SPF 35

Store on Korea- Osaka Japan - Russia-Malaysia – Hongkong - Vietnam – Philipines - etc

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