SECRETKEY Starting Treatment Essence

JUAL SECRETKEY  Starting Treatment Essence 150ml
Harga : Rp 195.000,-
SECRETKEY Starting Treatment Essence_Limited Edition 150ml
Harga : Rp 205.000,-

dijamin asli 100% ORIGINAL KOREA ,

Kandungan seretKey versi treatment essence dibandingkan dengan Brand lain versi Treatment Essence seperti SKII  , secretKey jauh lebih unggul dalam hal keamanan , komposisi dan  dengan KDFA approve (KDFA sama dengan BPOM , hanya saja ini adalah BBPOM Korea )
 tidak hanya membuat kulit kenyal dan sehat dengan kandungan pitera !! tapi juga mempunyai fungsi double whitening dan anti wrinkle secara bersamaan

Menyesuaikan Tekstur Kulit
Meningkatkan Kualitas kulit
No Paraben, Mineral Oil, Benzophenone, Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Pigment, Synthetic perfume
1. Gunakan produk ini sebelum menggunakan produk skincare lainnya.

7 macam keajaiban perubahan kulit : anti kerut, memutihkan, meratakan warna kulit, elastis, menghaluskan, melembabkan , mengilangkan sebum
7 Free system : Free paraben, Free pigmented, Free fragrance, Free alcohol, Free animal oil, Free mineral oil, Free benzopheone
Kandungan utama : chamomile extract, green tea extract, centella asiatica urban extract, witch hazel extract, portulaca oleracea extract, ground cherry extract, chopi tree fruit extract.

Setelah mencuci muka, tuangkan pada kapas atau telapak tangan, lalu usapkan pada seluruh wajah. Tepuk perlahan kulit agar meresap ke dalam kulit.

SecretKey Starting Treatment Essence 155ml adalah toner essence yang merupakan copy dari SKII Facial Treatment Essence. Toner ini mengandung 90% pittera, yang berfungsi untuk anti aging, anti wrinkle, dan brightening. Selain itu toner ini bisa membuat wajah lebih kenyal.

STE contains 90% Pitera along with other many nutrients. It claims to brighten, diminish wrinkles and blemishes, even out skin tone and many more.

How to use?

You have to apply STE before applying any of your skincare routine. The name itself is starting treatment essence so it has to be the first one. After that you can apply your skin care as usual. For STE, I like to apply it with cotton pads, since it is very watery so it will be a lot easier. You can just pour some on your palm then apply it right away but I just prefer it that way. When you apply it to your skin, use the tapping motion all over your face to have better absorption of the product. I use STE twice a day, morning and night after I wash my face.

I've been using this for around 10 days now and love the result. It makes my skin more dewy and moisturized. It also helps to even out my skin tone. This product also claims to be able to tighten pores, but I still haven't see any difference or result on mine, probably it's still too early to see it yet. So I will keep on using it and give you updates about it. Also since I have combination skin which is oily on my T zone especially my nose area, I can feel that less sebum were produced lately, so it also help my makeup to last longer.

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